Tribute to one of the best operating systems :)
Used these icons with some fixes: https://www.deviantart.com/marchmountain/art/Windows-XP-High-Resolution-Icon-Pack-916042853
Copyrights for icons belong to Microsoft Corportaion.
Background image by Charles O'Rear.
This is great, well done :) A tip is to double the size of the icons, which makes them look sharper on high resolution displays as well. You can read more about it here: https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/appearance-customization/creating-custom-icon-set/
This brings me indescribable joy.
Oh THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have been waiting for this ever since Vivaldi became a thing! God bless you!
(I do welcome larger icons, though - like on the Surf theme - those are the perfect size, but THESE are the best icons)
This is absolutely brilliant
Yep, need more defined icons for hires screen. Pity because it's cute.
This is my default theme now, thank you!
it's beautiful! Congrats :)
This is great, thanks
What a fun theme! I'm a huge fan!
This is great, I turned it into a dark version by switching around the fg and bg colors. Maybe release an "official" dark version?
This is awesome. 2000's tech is sick.
Like others, I love this theme to death!
So nostalgic, thank you!
This is such a cool theme.
FYE n tyyy <3
que nostalgia... 😃
Ah nostalgia, can you modify it for dark mode? I'd like to have a windows xp dark mode as well
I'ma just yoink this and install it. Nice!
Fantastic theme
Could you do a firefox 2 winstripe theme? Thank you for all your themes
thank you! thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it.
Windows peaked at Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, change my mind.
My Favorite
it looks nice. I've downloaded it and using it. Never thought i would ever see a XP theme again with all icons. I'd like to see a windows 7 and that would probably be nice as well.
me gusta mucho (I like it a lot)
With the release of Vivaldi 7.0 it needs to have some icons updated