A gentle theme for you to feel calm
Do you have any sugestions? Make a comment below or contact the theme developer on:
- Made by
- Esca von Fritz
- Size
- 238.4KB
- Version
- 1
- Date
- Downloads
- 65,162
- Avg rating
- 4.8 ― 53 ratings
- Colors
Good I love this theme
Very nice colors
Thank you so much guys!
Blends nice for eyes
My absolute favourite theme for Vivaldi :)
Thanks a lot guys for the feedback
установил 2 темы но они пропали при смене на другую. Тут на странице написано что тема установлена но в меню установок эти темы не отображаются. У вивальди очень много ошибок в браузере, в нижнем меню выбраные иконки тоже не отображаются.
Привет, MiDiMaX, как дела? Надеюсь, ваша проблема скоро будет решена, я бы посоветовал вам удалить тему и установить ее снова.
Привет из Бразилии!
Hello Esca von Fritz! Всё отлично, удалил темы которые не отображались в быстрых настройках, только через >> настройки >> темы. В быстрых настройках на экспресс панели и тут на сайте самой темы, функции удаления не нашёл. Именно из-за этого и возникли трудности.
Valeu Paulinhooooooooooowwwww!
It'd be really cool if you could do the custom Icon thing on here as well.
Amazing Theme! Anyway to download the Background image? Would love to set it as my laptop background!
love it!!!
Thank u Janet!
Thanks Kushal, For sure:
Hey @NoneYourBusiness, I'll try upload another version with custom icons
This is fire - my favourite theme so far.
Excellent theme! Thank you for making it!
Thank you. :)
very beautiful I like it!
Genel olarak hoşuma giden bir tema oldu. Renk tonları tam benim zevkime hitap ediyor.
Thank you so much, guys!
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the awesome Vivaldi browser theme! I like it a lot! I had never used themes before and decided to try a few out. Yours totally stood out, and now I’m sticking with it. It’s really made my browsing experience much better. Thanks again for your amazing work!
Superb theme!
Very picturesque!
Thank you. This theme is beautiful.
Beautiful theme, bravo Esca von Fritz! However, I won't install it since I want to test my themes, especially before publishing them🙂. But I like the background, it's peaceful.
아주 헛소리
very good theme.... I am liking it...
Very nice. Installed and kept straight away. Thanks for creating it.